
Showing posts from December, 2022

Credit Hours and Frameworks

Air in early December is replete with deep exhales that seem to soothe. It is a time to close out one year and look forward to the other. December’s ability to be a both/and - releasing the limitations of being just one thing - may be what, indeed, makes it the most wonderful time of the year.  As I drank my coffee and had this thought an enduring question, and recent article , resurfaces for me.   I speak of the  #credithour  often pitted against  #frameworks  for learning (ex.  #Skills ,  #competencies , etc.). The, at times, vitriolic rhetoric puts any family feud around the dinner table to shame. And, that - in my opinion - is a shame. The credit hour - like other time-based  #measures  such as “full-time worker” - is a function of the one irrefutable fact: time is a constant standard that no one owns and everyone experiences. Not only is it clear and easy to understand by laypeople and policy leaders, but it recognizes that a particular chunk of space in our all-too-busy lives was